Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Exited the Big Loser

Down a little bit today...

You might wonder "what in the world happened?" since my equity high of last Friday, and the big celebration I had over the weekend for entering the Top 5 in the contest standings.

Well, 80% of the loss these past 3 days was one position of 1 contract.  See the chart below.

Obviously, the risk incurred was way out of line for the account size.  But, that is almost always the case for small accounts - the risk for even a 1 lot futures contract may be too much for most accounts.

The bright side of all this is that I followed the plan, and the system.

Acknowledge, and move on.

(By the way, there was no celebration over the weekend.  The only day I would celebrate is on December 31st, after contest results were in, and after I made Pigs in a Blanket for about 30 people to eat on New Year's Day!)

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